Man charged in hospital parking lot robbery pleads down, gets four months in jail
By Peggy Revell on October 4, 2017.
A man accused of a hospital parking lot robbery pled out to the lesser charge of theft under $5,000 Tuesday at the Medicine Hat Courthouse.
Jesse Leckner, 26, received a four-month jail sentence and a year of probation for the incident originally set down for trial in January.
Due to credit for time already spent in custody, he has 42 days left to serve.
The incident took place on Aug. 13 at 4:30 p.m. when, according to the agreed statement of facts read into court, Leckner approached a man in the parking lot of the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital who had a “for sale” sign in his vehicle. The two talked, and sat in the car together, shared a cigarette, and then the man got a call saying he was needed inside the hospital.
Leckner said he wanted to take the car for a test drive, the man said no, Leckner then reached for the car keys, and also said “no I want to, you’d better let me or else.” A scuffle ensued, and Leckner left, taking the man’s backpack with a phone, iPad mini in it.
Police were able to locate Leckner due to tracking features on the electronics.
There was an allegation of dog spray being used by Leckner, but police found no indication of the spray being used inside the vehicle.
Other charges including possession of a weapon, possession of stolen property and threats were withdrawn by the Crown.
“I feel really bad for doing the things I did. I want to smarten up for my kids and my wife’s sake. I’m tired of this lifestyle,” Leckner told the court Tuesday.
“Your record is unenviable,” Judge Eric Brooks commented, saying it’s up to Leckner to decide to make the changes he needs to, and appearing before the court “time after time after time” ties the court’s hands, and makes the options fairly limited in dealing with him.