AMA school safety patrollers Neala Kilkham, Jayda Grunewald, Grace Smith and Lilah Pratt stop traffic for students Leah and Baker Thompson and their mom Katherine on the first morning back in school Tuesday.--NEWS PHOTO TIM KALINOWSKI @MHNTimKal
School crossing guards and community safety officials were out in full force Tuesday morning for the first day back at school.
At Ross Glen School, kids accompanied by parents or guardians eagerly and nervously made their ways toward the front doors as Medicine Hat police officers stood watch nearby.
Sgt. Clarke White of the MHPS Traffic Unit said it was important for his members to be out and be visible at schools for the first week back now that summer holidays were complete.
“We have full patrols working this morning and this afternoon and throughout the week for the first week of school,” said White. “They will be keeping a close eye on the school zones and making sure people are slowing down to 30 km/h and abiding by crosswalk laws. This is the time of year to get a focus back on the school zones, and protect the kids as they are going to and from school.”
White said he also wanted to support the work the AMA does with its School Safety Patrollers program at local schools like Ross Glen.
“We thought it was important to be here the first day of school when the young patrollers are out to make sure everyone from the school gets across the road safely, and to promote the program with the AMA.”
AMA spokesperson Karla Dhanda watched with pride as Ross Glen School Safety Patrollers Neala Kilkham, Jayda Grunewald, Grace Smith, Lilah Pratt dressed in their bright yellow AMA smocks ensured families crossed safely to the main entrance of the school.
“We want to get a safety message out there,” said Dhanda. “Not just for today but for all year. You have always got to remember kids are going to and from school and playing outside on the school playgrounds. You’ve got to watch out for them.”