March 13th, 2025

Specialized prosecutor for local pharmacists charged with fraud

By Peggy Revell on May 23, 2017.

New charges have been laid against a former Brooks peace officer and British soldier sentenced to two years house arrest over a 2013 incident that culminated in Medicine Hat police shooting him multiple times -- NEWS FILE PHOTO @MHNprevell

A specialized prosecutor will be handling the case of three local pharmacists who face fraud charges.

Legal counsel for all three pharmacists appeared on behalf of their clients Tuesday at the Medicine Hat Provincial Courthouse. The matter was adjourned until June 1.

The court heard that a specialized prosecutor for economic crime has been assigned to the case, and this prosecutor based out of Calgary had requested the adjournment.

Specialized prosecutors are part of a branch of the Alberta Crown that focuses on “sensitive and complex areas,” as noted on Alberta Justice website. This includes commercial crime, environmental and occupational health and safety cases, organized crime, technology, and internet crime.

No pleas have been entered by Kathryn Kaiser, Evan King and Robert Stadnyk, who each face a charge for fraud over $5,000, with allegations that they received rebates and incentive payments directly through negotiating drug purchases to the sum of $1.6 million. All three worked at pharmacies owned by the Medicine Hat Co-op, now known as South Country Co-op, and have since had their employment terminated.

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