March 14th, 2025

Easter art display running at St. Barnabas

By Mo Cranker on April 14, 2017.

Reverend Oz Lorentzen of St. Barnabas Anglican Church poses for a photo with two of the pieces at the church's Easter art display. -- NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER
Twitter: MHNmocranker

Members of St. Barnabas Anglican Church have put on an art display showcasing the Last Days in the Life of Christ to celebrate Easter, and remember true meanings behind it.

Reverend Oz Lorentzen says the church wanted to make the ideas and themes surrounding Easter more accessible to everyone.

“I think the idea and thought of Easter has become really commonplace,” he said. “People who aren’t heavily involved in Easter may not think too much about it, it’s just something they do every year, so having it in a visual form can make it a lot easier for people to see and intake.”

Local artists contributed to the display, which uses a variety of mediums to tell the Last Days in the Life of Jesus. Lorentzen says the show tells the entire story.

“The art starts with the supper we celebrated on Thursday night, then we move to a poem about the garden, the more art about the betrayal, the trial and then as Jesus journeys to the all the way to the cross,” he said. “I think art really speaks to the heart, and this display does a really good job in showcasing what Easter can mean to Christians.”

Lorentzen says he wants to put on the show every year at the church, and that the display will be up for a few days once Easter is finished.

“I do think we will try and do something similar to this every year,” he said. “It won’t be up for too much longer, but people can come by for the next few days during our officer hours to see it.”

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