March 14th, 2025

Library Chat: Busy days ahead at MHPL

By Ken Feser on May 24, 2019.

The library runs a reading program every summer. I am under strict instructions from my Head of Youth Services to never ever call it a day camp because it is not really designed to be that; nevertheless it involves dropping kids off for a few hours a day so it is as popular with parents as with children.

Last year the registration for the summer reading program was extremely hectic, with a long lineup before we even opened our doors in the morning. To make things easier for the working parents and others who are trying to keep their kids busy through the summer break, we are going with electronic registration this year. Starting on June 22 at 10 a.m. you can go to our website at and sign your kids up. If you don’t have internet access, come to the library and get on one of our public computers.

Another one of our extremely popular Pecha Kucha nights will be held on June 8 at 8:20 p.m. If you aren’t familiar with it, Pecha Kucha involves local people giving very short and focused talks on a wide variety of subjects. It is fun and informative and community building and this one will be held outdoors (weather permitting) which will be an interesting twist. It will be at the New Market Outdoor Area in the Pioneer Village at the Stampede grounds.

I mentioned it in a prior column but I have to remind you of our Friends of the Library Book Sale which is at the library on May 31 and June 1. We always have good selection including lots of current bestsellers and some curious old tomes. Come early for selection or late for last minute deals.

One more thing, as Steve Jobs used to say, “we are planning an event on June 17 to make an announcement. I can’t really say what it is about (cough, children’s library, cough) but it is good news. There will be a barbecue and I have heard talk of a bouncy castle and other stuff so it will be worth checking out.

Ken Feser is chief librarian at Medicine Hat Public Library.

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