It was my birthday last weekend. I love birthdays, and though my kids keep saying they want me to stay this age forever, the alternative to reaching that next milestone doesn’t please me as much as welcoming another trip around the sun. So, I’ll celebrate getting older whether they like it or not!
Of course, the passing of time does have its downsides, like how all the familiar faces we grew up watching are also growing older, and then, are suddenly gone forever. Last week, it was Katherine Helmond, better known to people of my generation as Mona from “Who’s The Boss?” I always loved Mona, the strong, sassy grandma who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it, while always offering comfort, support and love to her family during those inevitable “teaching moments.” She was the untamed answer to Angela’s buttoned-up demeanor, bringing balance and unpredictability to a classic family show.
Then, this week, we got the news about Luke Perry. I grew up watching “Beverly Hills. 90210” with my sister. I probably shouldn’t have been watching it since I was a little younger than their target audience, but that didn’t stop me from getting pulled into the drama, and loving every moment with Dylan on the screen. That said, it was his role in “8 Seconds” that really made me a Luke Perry fan. Trading in teen-angst for cowboy toughness proved his acting skills went far beyond West Beverly, and I’m sad to know his time was suddenly cut so short.
Some people think it’s odd to feel sadness for the loss of a celebrity you’ve never actually met, but I disagree. We spend a lot of time with these so-called strangers; it’s impossible not to feel connected to them in some way. Their TV shows, movies and music become part of our stories, reminding us of certain times in our lives that bring a smile when we reminisce about them together.
It’s why so many people flocked to see the Golden Girls puppet show at the Esplanade a couple weeks back, myself included. We hung out with these four friends every week for years, so the chance to reunite with them for an evening of laughs wasn’t something to be passed up.
Even though they were just actors in a TV show, the Golden Girls, or the “Seinfeld” cast, or Doctor McWhosit from whatever show you liked to watch, all played a small role in your life, too. So be glad they were here to entertain you when they did, be sad they’re gone when they leave, and be relieved to know that, with luck, Betty White is going to outlive us all!
Chrissy Cruickshank is a creative writer at 105.3 Rock & 102.1 CJCY