March 14th, 2025

Top Hat brings ‘Newsies’ to Esplanade stage

By Chris Brown on November 15, 2018.

The cast of "Newsies" rehearses Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018 for the play, which runs from Nov. 17-23 at the Esplanade.

Start spreading the news, the hit Broadway musical “Newsies” comes to Medicine Hat this weekend.

The musical is based on the 1992 Disney movie. The local show from Top Hat Productions runs Nov. 17-23 at the Esplanade.

Director Elaine Jeffery explains there were a few reasons behind the selection of “Newsies” for Top Hat’s second show. Producing a show never before seen in Medicine Hat was one, and early interest from her young cast members in July’s “Spring Awakening” was another.

The core of the story — newsboys in New York City in 1899 striking to protest a price increase by publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst — helped seal the choice. Jeffery sees the show as inspirational and timely.

“They came from nothing and they overcame power and money to make their stand and show that they were worth something and shouldn’t be treated without regard,” she said. “In this day and age with all that’s going on in the States, etc., with people using power to silence different minority groups it’s good to see it spans even to children that if they have something they feel strongly enough about that they can actually make their voices heard.”

Many of the cast members from “Spring Awakening” are back for “Newsies.” That cohesion is making things a little easier on everyone involved.

“We have such a good group, they work well together, we’ve grown as a group and we’re all learning together,” Jeffery said.

With bigger musical numbers and more overall spectacle in this show, the MHC Eresman Theatre just didn’t cut it, she added. “This is a massive show, it needs a massive stage and this venue is perfect for that.”

Speaking just over a week away from opening night, Jeffery’s enthusiasm was obvious. Hearing the songs performed gives her goosebumps and the dancing and a huge set will blow people’s minds, she said.

Unlike “Spring Awakening” and its mature themes, “Newsies” is family-friendly.

“It’s a feel-good show, and a Disney production so it’s got great music and a great happy ending,” Jeffery said.

A non-profit organization, Top Hat will donate proceeds from this production to the Medicine Hat SPCA.

Showtime for each performance is § 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are available at, by calling 403-502-8777 or in person at the Esplanade box office or the Medicine Hat Mall customer service desk. More information is available at

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