March 11th, 2025

Rock Ramblings: Family connections abound in the world of rock and roll

By Medicine Hat News on August 2, 2018.

“We are who we are because they were who they were.” I’m headed out to southeastern Saskatchewan for the long weekend for a family reunion. It’s been 10 years since we last all got together in the Shushwaps and a lot has changed since then. I’m no longer a “kid” in the family, I’ve gotten married and had a child of my own.

My mom has been organizing the event for months. She is adamant that I get to know my aunts, uncles and cousins. Crazy thing is, when 125 of us get together on the weekend in Lampman, I’m pretty sure I’ll only “know” about half of them! Is that the point of family reunions? To get to know your relatives you don’t see very often? Is it about roasting marshmallows over an open fire and reminiscing about your grandparents?

Wikipedia defines a family reunion as “an occasion where many members of an extended family congregate.” So, I guess a family reunion is what you make out of it. We will be having a wiener roast, scavenger hunt, golf tournament and silent auction. I’m pretty sure there will be some Pilsner floating around as well.

In the spirit of my upcoming family reunion, I thought it would be fun to put together a rock ‘n’ roll family playlist. There are actually quite a few rock bands with siblings/family members in them. The first one that comes to mind is Oasis’s Noel & Liam Gallagher. The brothers’ tumultuous relationship broke up the band back in 2009 after a fight backstage. Come on guys, “Don’t Look Back in Anger.”

Now, Malcom Young may no longer be a part of AC/DC because of health reasons, but he and his brother Angus made some pretty kick-ass music together. Take your pick from the collection; my faves are Thunderstruck, TNT, Back in Black and Stiff Upper Lip.

Brothers Caleb, Nathan and Jared Followill, along with their cousin Matthew Followill, make up Kings of Leon. Use Somebody and Wait for Me are two of my picks. Brothers Chris and Rich Robinson formed the Black Crowes back in 1982 while going to high school. I have to add She Talks to Angels and Hard to Handle to the list. One of the biggest bands of the 90s featured brothers Jonny and Colin Greenwood, the backbone of Radiohead. Their breakthrough single “Creep” would be at the top of my list.

Three Days Grace features brothers Brad and Matt Walst. Brad has been with the group since it formed back in 1997, while Matt joined 16 years later on vocals. I’m a pretty big fan of the Canadian rockers so I’ve gotta add Home, Lost in You and The Mountain to my playlist. Oh, keep in mind Three Days Grace will hit up the Enmax Centre in Lethbridge this December.

And you can’t forget about sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart — one of the biggest rock acts to emerge from the 70s. Between the two they play guitar, flute, violin, mandolin, harmonica, autoharp and synthesizers. Crazy on You and Barracuda would be the two standout tracks for me.

Round out the rock ‘n® roll family playlist with the Allman Brothers, The Kinks, Halestorm, Nickelback and Stone Temple Pilots and you’ve got quite the musical concoction — good enough to impress any member of your family.

Wish me luck as I venture to the Land of Living Skies for the long weekend. And remember, “Home is where a bunch of crazies are.”

Cassie Donnelly is the morning show co-host at 105.3 ROCK. You can reach her on twitter @cass_1053rock.

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