March 15th, 2025

Canadian folk duo with new album have concert date at Cafe Verve

By Mo Cranker on August 2, 2018.

Canadian folk duo Piper Hayes and Carson Ritcey-Thorpe will be in Medicine Hat Aug. 10 at Cafe Verve as they tour western Canada in support of their latest release, ‘Piper and Carson.’

“We recorded an album last summer after our last western tour,” said Hayes. “We actually recorded this album on the farm that Carson grew up on in Ontario.

“Carson’s dad is an organic vegetable farmer, so it was a very interesting place to record an album.”

Hayes says the duo just finished touring eastern Canada and is now looking forward to their trip out west, which will see them stopping in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

“The east was really great to us this time around,” she said. “We played some really great shows out there and it’s always great to see that part of our country.

“While we were there we took a lot of back roads while travelling and it was just a great experience overall to see so much beauty in our country.”

Hayes says the album’s songs follow a number of themes including sustainability, communication in relationships and standing up for and being involved in what one believes in.

“I think we’re in a really unique time in the world,” she said. “I feel for me, as a human being, I want to work on helping on dismantling some of the oppressive systems that are currently in place.

“I think the world is collectively ill, and I need to work towards being my best self and hopefully have that inform, inspire or make space for others to think about these things that are brought up in the music.”

More information can be found online at

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