March 15th, 2025

Library Chat: Library staff paying attention to suggestions made by patrons

By Medicine Hat News on June 22, 2018.

I would like to share some items that have recently come in the library’s suggestion box.

Brynnae, age 7, thinks we should have special bookmarks (laminated cardstock is suggested) to put on the shelf when books are removed so readers can reshelf books correctly. Brynnae wants to be responsible and helpful, and also loves coming to the library.

My response: Well Brynnae, you might be surprised to know that we actually like reshelving books for people. It helps us know what is being used, and also we are fussy and we really want the books back in their exact right spot. I’ll bet you do it right but not everyone does.

I’m staggered that you would think of this at your age and I love your enthusiasm. Come back in 10 or 15 years and we’ll see about finding you a job.

Anonymous thinks that we should go green and get rid of plastic bags. We could sell nice bags that are eco- friendly.

My response: It so happens that we don’t actually buy plastic bags. The bags you get at the library are recycled. Having said that, I am intrigued at the idea of selling cloth bags. If everyone in Medicine Hat bought a few dozen it could perhaps help with our finances.

Smith thinks we need more parking and perhaps a second location. There have been times when Smith has found no parking and just left.

My response: I am sorry that a lack of parking kept you from the library. We hear from a lot of people that parking is an issue and we would love to do something about it. Unfortunately any solution would cost a lot of money. We’d better order an extra million bags. Maybe two.

Anonymous thinks we should we should do some kid and parent programs at Police Point Park.

My response: I agree. In fact, we are going to repeat our Story Walk program this summer. Pages from a picture book will be posted throughout Police Point Park. You walk the trail and read the book as you go. It starts Aug. 12 and runs until Sept. 30 and there will be prizes!

Finally, another anonymous writer thinks there should be more free books available at the library.

My response: I think I know who wrote this! I think it was my friend Ashley because she likes the free books and because she asked me the other day if we ever look in the suggestion box. Well yes we do, and this proves it.

Fun aside, thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. I hope we receive lots more.

Ken Feser is chief librarian at the Medicine Hat Public Library.

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