By Medicine Hat News on March 11, 2025.
@MedicineHatNews David Bexte, a farm producer from Arrowood, Alta., has earned the Conservative Party nomination in the Bow River riding, according to a notice from the party’s association in the electoral district that includes Brooks and Taber. No results from voting on March 6 and 7 in Taber, Brooks and Strathmore were released. Bexte will replace on the ballot outgoing MP Martin Shields. The former Brooks mayor and three-term MP announced he would retire from federal politics in January. Also running for the riding’s nomination were Taber Police Chief Graham Abela, JL Costa (who worked in Shields’s office), former party worker Josh Senneker, and Rithesh Narayan, a Chestermere city councillor. The CPC has not released the results of another nomination contest held in Red Deer over the weekend. 7