By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on December 4, 2024. An article published in the Dec. 3 edition of the News titled “Elm Street School replacement among upcoming plans for MHPSD,” which stated the school will undergo a replacement next year, is incorrect. Replacement plans are part of the division’s 2025-2028 Capital Plan that has been submitted to Alberta Education, but nothing has been approved yet. A clarification posted by the division states, “The capital plan is a wish list submitted annually to Alberta Education, outlining potential projects like the replacement of Elm Street School, modernization of Alexandra Middle School and a new elementary school in the Hamptons.” The capital plan is approved by the board annually in the spring and it has not received any confirmation regarding the division’s latest submission. “We regret that our capital plan was misunderstood and will provide public updates if any changes to MHPSD are confirmed,” states the correction that can be found on the division’s website. The News apologizes for the confusion. 8