October 22nd, 2024

City budget meet to include energy division plans, tax talk

By Medicine Hat News on October 22, 2024.

Council meets at city hall in this April file photo. A committee of the whole meeting today will look at utility business plans and a proposed property tax increase.--NEWS FILE PHOTO


The city budget process resumes today as administrators are set to present some utility business plans to a council working committee, as well as discuss a call to lower an expected tax increase asked for by council members in the summer.

A committee of the whole meeting this afternoon at city hall will see staff and council go through proposed 2025-2026 business plans for departments of water, sewer and solid waste, along with power and gas distribution.

The energy production budget will be the subject of a similar meeting on Oct. 30, as four meetings in the next four weeks are set. Each is open to the public and is available live and through archives on the city’s YouTube page

“This is your opportunity to better understand our city’s financial story, and how the budget impacts your property taxes and utilities, the amenities you use and the services you receive as a City of Medicine Hat resident,” said city accounting supervisor Aaron Hoimyr, who has led budget presentations earlier this year.

The municipal operating budget will be discussed on Nov. 5 and a final committee of the whole meeting on Nov. 13 will centre of the city’s land development and real estate operations.

In June and July council received capital budgets, including recurring and one-time items.

Administrators have proposed that an additional 5.6 per cent in property tax revenue in each year will be needed due to inflation, maintaining city services, growth projects and making up a structural shortfall.

Council members requested administrators provide analysis for reducing that.

The final non-utility budget will introduced at council on Dec. 2.

A Utility Rate bylaw is scheduled to go before council for first reading on Nov. 18, and would be subject to a public hearing on Dec. 16.

Budgets must be in place by Dec. 31.

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