September 20th, 2024

Applications for federal pandemic recovery funding available through CFSEA in new year

By Medicine Hat News on November 26, 2022.

The Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta is helping to support local non-profit organizations and charities with pandemic recovery efforts through its new Community Services Fund launching Jan. 6, 2023.

Stemming from a one-time federal pandemic recovery investment of $400 million, the funding is available to non-profit organizations, charities and Indigenous governing bodies across the country. Funds will be distributed by regional branches of Community Foundations of Canada, as well as the Canadian Red Cross and United Way Centraide Canada.

Funding is intended to be used by organizations to purchase new equipment, develop new services or fundraising approaches, finance staff and volunteer training, etc.

“Charities and non-profits are at the front of addressing communities’ needs,” CFSEA executive director Niki Gray said. “However, many of them are struggling to recover and adapt their services to the changing needs of (communities post-pandemic).

“Through the Community Services Recovery Fund, CFSEA will be able to support both charities and non-profits across the region to work on projects to support their organizational structure.”

Applications for the fund open Jan. 6. For more information, contact CFSEA at 403-527-9038 or visit

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