October 5th, 2024

Wexit meeting draws roughly 100 in the Hat

By Mo Cranker on November 10, 2019.

Nov. 10 2019 NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER Wexit Canada co-founder Peter Downing (right) shakes hands with a man who spoke at a Sunday afternoon Wexit meeting at the Medicine Hat Lodge. The event was attended by roughly 100 people.

Medicine Hat News

The leader of Alberta’s separatist movement was in Medicine Hat Sunday, drawing about 100 people to address the topic from many different angles.

Wexit Canada co-founder Peter Downing made the drive down from Edmonton to speak on a large range of topics centring around western provinces leaving Canada to form an independent nation.

“I wanted to bring Peter down so people can get all of the information and to get their questions on separation answered,” said regional Wexit co-ordinator Tamara Lich. “There’s so much online and so much of it is just ignorant — this is a great way for people to get out and see what the movement is all about.”

The meeting lasted less than two hours with attendees coming and going throughout. After about 20 minutes of speaking, Downing opened up the mic to those with questions or comments.

“Today went really well,” said Downing. “One thing I noticed about people here is that they’re very engaged, intelligent and articulate — they know the issues and have come to their own conclusions.

“These discussions are important.”

Hatters who got to ask questions during the meeting jumped all over the map with their questions.

One of the biggest concerns from the audience was firearm rights.

“Legal firearm owners shouldn’t have to worry about having their guns taken away,” one speaker said. “It’s a constant threat to our personal property.”

Downing responded that his version of a sovereign Alberta would bring firearms education into schools, as well as agriculture training.

“Western Canadians are self-reliant, not reliant on the government” he said. “We’re not Eastern Canadians — we’re hardworking, decent people. We don’t take other peoples’ stuff.”

When asked about climate change, Downing said he didn’t care about it.

“It’s cold now — it’s going to be summer again some time, too,” he said. “It’s nonsense — it’s a hoax.

“I’m not just repeating lines, I’ve done my research.”

Immigration was brought up during the meeting. Downing says people who oppose immigration should not be labelled as racists.

One concern around Alberta separation is being landlocked — Downing says it can be an advantage. He says a sovereign Alberta would land lock the East from the Pacific Ocean.

“They have so much more to lose,” he said.

Downing claims that articles linking him to racism and conspiracy theories are “fake, disgusting media,” and for people to meet him in person.

“I would tell people to get a beer with me,” he said.

Downing says monetary donations go to keeping the movement afloat and running.

“No one is getting a salary here — we all work,” he said. “Our merch, stickers, we sell it for basically cost — it’s about getting the word out there.”

City councillor Jim Turner was in attendance and did not speak during the question and answer period.

Lich added that the Wexit movement is completely separate from the Yellow Vest movement in Canada.

“There’s a few people here who were involved in the Yellow Vest movement, but it’s a completely separate thing.”

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Les Landry
Les Landry
4 years ago

Did Downing really say, “his version of a sovereign Alberta?” That sure doesn’t sound very democratic to me.
He says some very insulting things about Eastern Canadians such as, “We’re not Eastern Canadians — we’re hardworking, decent people. We don’t take other peoples’ stuff.” Is he implying that Eastern Canadians are lazy, indecent people that take people’s stuff?
When anyone has to resort to insulting people it says more about the person doing the insulting than the person being insulted.
I wonder if this rhetoric is good for Alberta, Western Canada or for Canada.

Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
4 years ago

Who says Downing is ‘the leader’ of Alberta’s separatist movement? He is, at most, a loud voice among many. This reporter needs to quit putting his under-informed spin on his perception of events.

Les Landry
Les Landry
4 years ago

I don’t know about “the leader of Alberta’s separatist movement” but Dowling has been referring to himself as the leader of Wexit for some time now…
Here he is as “leader of Wexit” with the CBCon Nov. 2.
“Wexit leader Peter Downing said support for western separation exploded after the recent re-election of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
And on Nov. 5th with Mix 107 announcing “Wexit Leader Peter Downing took to social media to announce the process of becoming a federal party.”
They’re lots of examples where Downing refers to himself as the leader of Wexit. Does that make him the leader of Alberta’s separatist movement? I don’t know, but I don’t see anyone else getting all the media attention.