October 6th, 2024

Accused of inciting hate, man appeals firearms ban

By Jeremy Appel on October 24, 2018.


A Medicine Hat man accused of inciting hatred is appealing a firearm ban imposed by the federal government, court heard Tuesday.

Loki Hulgaard appeared in Medicine Hat Provincial Court in person, where he revealed he’s still without a lawyer after his July 31 arrest.

“You may find you’re going into battle with an unloaded gun,” said Judge Eric Brooks, strongly recommending Hulgaard seek legal advice.

Olivia Furlong was in court representing the nation’s Attorney General and chief firearms officer.

She said Hulgaard has had abundant time to seek counsel, adding that the government has a witness who took time out of their day to testify.

“I’m not too sure about any of these matters,” Hulgaard said, adding he planned to bring up political and philosophical issues, as opposed to criminal.

“That’s not going to get you very far,” Brooks replied, adjourning the hearing, which is separate from the criminal charges Hulgaard faces, to Dec. 18.

“We’ve adjourned it specifically so you can obtain counsel or receive advice from counsel,” Brooks said, adding the hearing will go forward on that date regardless of whether the accused has a lawyer.

Hulgaard was arrested after a local downtown business owner witnessed him attempting to spend money with anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic slogans printed on them.

After searching his residence, police seized computers, USB drives, hate pamphlets, four firearms — two of which had their serial numbers removed — 1,200 rounds of ammunition and high capacity magazines.

He faces 14 charges — inciting hatred in public, two counts of possessing a firearm with serial numbers removed, four counts each of unauthorized possession of a firearm and unsafe storage of a firearm, as well as three charges of possessing a prohibited device.

He was released on $4,000 no-cash recognizance, with numerous conditions.

Hulgaard is back in court Nov. 7.

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