December 11th, 2024

I-XL bricks being turned into works of art

By Mo Cranker on May 19, 2018.

Though the I-XL Brick Plant has been out of commission for years, its legacy is still living on — with some of its final bricks being turned into art for one of Medalta’s biggest projects.

Robert Harrison, Ulla Viotti and Fritz Vehring were brought in from various parts of the world to take I-XL bricks and turn them into art for Medalta’s Artists’ Lodge, which is set to open up later in the summer.

“This is the World Association of Brick Artists,” said Medalta executive director Aaron Nelson. “These people have been invited here for three weeks to be in residence as part of our Artists in Residence Program.

“Today we have artists from Sweden, Germany and the United States. They’ve created these three great sculptures and we’re ready to show them off today.”

With Medalta set to open its Artists’ Lodge this summer, the three pieces will add more colour and life to the area around the lodge. Nelson says the group is honoured to host such great artists.

“This is huge for us,” he said. “Working with a national organization like this is always great, and bringing in artists from all over the world like this is exciting for us.

“I always say that heritage is the heart of Medalta, but creativity is the blood — so it’s important for us to always have creativity flowing through us at all times.”

I-XL president Malcolm Sissons says it is great to see old bricks turned into new art.

“It’s very exciting to see some of the last I-XL bricks going into art that will be here forever,” he said. “We’re looking forward to seeing these in the public eye, and we’re hoping they’re like the Roman structures that have lasted so many years.

“The ways the artists have used the materials to create three unique works of art is just great, and they will be great additions to the Artists’ Lodge.”

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