December 12th, 2024

Redcliff council discusses few matters at brief meet

By Mo Cranker on March 27, 2018.

Councillors Cathy Crozier, Shawna Cockle and Larry Leipert sit with Mayor Dwight Kilpatrick during Monday's Redcliff town council meeting. The meeting lasted less than 20 minutes, with the group discussing a donation to the public library, pitch-in week and some town bylaws.--NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER

It was another in-and-out meeting for Redcliff council Monday, with just three councillors and the mayor meeting for the second time of the month.

After cruising through financials and a couple first reads of some town bylaws, the town voted in favour of donating a swim pass to the public library’s upcoming silent auction fundraiser.

“Everyone needs a library,” said Kilpatrick. “A library has always been a meeting place. The libraries have changed from being a place of reference books, to being a place where you can get your favourite book, and if it’s not there you can order it.

“There’s a coffee machine there, computers, wifi — not everyone owns a computer. It’s becoming more of a hub in the tougher economic times, probably more than it ever used to be.”

Council also looked at the lease agreement the town has in place with the seniors’ centre.

Municipal manager Arlos Crofts presented the town with a draft of a new 12-month agreement put forth for a preliminary reading.

“This may look a little different down the line, when I talk to more seniors,” said Crofts. “This has been in the works for 12 months or so, and is now ready to be seen by seniors, and for us to get their opinion.”

Council quickly talked about important upcoming dates, which include pitch-in week and volunteer recognition day.

Kilpatrick then spoke with reporters about the potential rebranding the town was looking at under previous Mayor Ernie Reimer.

“Well, in that little survey we had around Redcliff Days last year, the question of rebranding was in there,” said Kilpatrick. “Last year, we had (a student) from Medicine Hat College looking at it. Nobody was really adamant about the rebranding — that was almost driven by a couple of individuals, and they’re not here right now.

“It’s pretty close to dead in the water.”

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