We take pride in being the most accurate and reliable source of news and information in our local community, based on the increased calls for subscriptions and huge increases in website traffic we recognize you are counting on us.
The Medicine Hat News will continue publishing a newspaper just as we did before anyone ever heard of the Coronavirus. Are we changing how we publish these newspapers? No not really.
Our team of journalists will be working daily writing stories, but not from their desks in the newsroom, but from their homes.
Technology is one of the saving graces during this time.
As a newspaper, we are committed to you our readers and we will not let you down, but as a company, we are committed to keeping our employees healthy. As such, we have made the decision have our employees work from home. Computers, cellphones and the wonders of the internet will keep us all connected and our newspapers running off the presses every night.
Does this mean you can not connect with us? Absolutely not. Our phones will be answered, your stories will be told, your advertising will be featured and your newspapers will be delivered.
For us, like many others, it is business as usual with twist.So friends, as you are reading this, remember that we are all in this together.
We want to stay connected to you through the following phone numbers:
Medicine Hat News Main: 403-527-1101
Circulation: 403-528-5767
Business Office: 403-528-5677
Editorial: 403-528-5691
Advertising: 403-528-5659