September 29th, 2024

Road conditions much more favourable Monday, MHPS says

By Medicine Hat News on October 1, 2019.


The Medicine Hat Police Service says road conditions improved Monday after issuing a news release urging drivers to be cautious during Sunday’s significant snowfall.

“Because we stayed above zero and around that zero mark, the road conditions are wet, but right now they’re in not-too-bad shape,” traffic Sgt. Gerald Sadlemyer told the News. “Of course, that will deteriorate if it starts to get cooler.”

As the Hat was blanketed in snow Sunday, the MHPS issued a news release warning drivers “to avoid all non-essential travel within the city.”

“Rapidly accumulating snow has made visibility poor and roadways very slippery,” the Sunday MHPS news release said.

Police also noted that highway motor vehicle towing services were “temporarily restricted,” so motorists in need should expect delays.

Sadlemyer says police recorded 10 motor vehicle collisions between Sunday evening and Monday afternoon, all minor incidents and none which resulted in injuries.

Of these, five went to the collision reporting centre and the other half had officers attend, he added.

Police take cues from Environment Alberta and Environment Canada when deciding whether to issue a warning about the weather, said Sadlemyer.

“Sometimes we get forecasts for a huge storm and it doesn’t come to be, and then like yesterday, it did come and we ended up getting more snow than expected,” he said.

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