February 8th, 2025

All Psyched Up: Positive change

By Linda Hancock on February 1, 2025.

I have a confession to make! My condo has been workable – for me – but not for others. At least I made it work without considering how it could be better.

When I moved into Westman Village in Calgary over three years ago, I had wonderful help from my family members. Three moving trucks transported goods from my Medicine Hat condo to my downtown office in order to be sold; from my condo to Calgary and a third truck brought over 3,000 client files to my underground secure storage area.

The whole process was quite overwhelming and the fact that it occurred in a two-month period of time was quite amazing. We tried to consolidate the office (1,300 square feet) and my Medicine Hat condo (1,100 square feet) into my Calgary condo (approximately 1,000 square feet).

The problem though was that I was working through it all and hesitant to go beyond getting everything in the cupboards. Kristal, Rob and family members did a remarkable job of getting me settled and I have been so grateful for that. They worked so hard!

I am only five feet tall and can’t reach most of the cupboards, so I set up the counter with items that I need in order to cook meals. But the counter is full, and the cupboards house many items that I can’t even see. Combining stuff from two kitchens into one small kitchen isn’t very workable.

Last year, a new friend, who is trained in hotel management, made me aware of the issues that prevent ease of access and efficiency not just in the kitchen but in other areas of my condo.

I am being completely vulnerable in sharing the fact that my coats are stored in my bedroom because the hall closet is filled with food. I have too many shoes, purses and nicknacks.

So, reality had attacked me but thankfully my new friend was willing to help me organize the kitchen and other areas so that they are more useable.

One of the first steps was to talk with neighbours who had their kitchen cupboards rebuilt by the Shelf Genie company and I decided to follow their example. Measurements and blueprints have been received for 27 sliding drawers that will replace fixed shelves. The bonus is that because I am a senior, there is a Home Accessibility Tax Credit program to do the renovations.

Installation was scheduled for late January or early February which gave me time to purge, sort and donate.

The whole project inspired me to start cleaning my closet and making plans to de-clutter throughout my whole living space.

You are probably wondering what stopped me from doing this in the first place. Denial, lack of focus, different priorities, excessive workload, not wanting to ask for more help than already given? Probably all of these things.

Now I am extremely motivated and actually am enjoying the process. There is a euphoric feeling of freedom that comes with taking control and seeing positive results.

So, what could you do in your life to make things more efficient and pleasing?

Maybe ask a friend to help you gain insight. After all, it’s always a good time to set goals.

Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Calgary. She can be reached by email at office@drlindahancock.com

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